Microsoft Teams chat is a feature of Microsoft Teams that allows users to have real-time conversations with one another. Chats can be one-on-one or group chats, and they can be used for anything from quick questions to lengthy discussions.
You can start a chat by clicking on the "Chat" icon in the left-hand navigation pane.
When you start a chat, you can either type a message or start a voice or video call. You can also add files to your chat, such as documents, images, or videos.
You can create a new conversation by selecting the New Chat option at the top of the left navigation pane.
Once you send a message, it will appear in the chat window for the other person to see. They can then reply to your message, or they can start a new conversation.
You can type your message directly into the chat box at the bottom of the chat window.
You can format your message. Clicking the format icon gives you options to add different types of formatting to your messages.
You can set delivery options, such as setting your message as standard, important, or urgent.
You can attach files to messages.
You can add loop components such as bulleted lists, checklists, numbered lists, voting tables, and task lists.
You can send emojis, GIFs, and stickers.
You can schedule a meeting with all chat members.
You can also add new apps to your chat.