While clients may fill out their employers’ information in the application on their own, we as the lender must take care to properly validate contact information through a third-party search method, such as a web search.
The conditions for a valid 411 reverse search are:
Business name: The business name must match the supporting income documentation (pay stubs, W-2s, etc.) as closely as possible. Slightly different names are valid, as well as DBAs (as long as there is additional documentation supporting the DBA connection between both business names).
Business office address: Try to be as accurate as possible—conduct a search for the location that the client actually works at, not the corporate office.
Phone number: We will reach out to this phone number to conduct the verification of employment.
Above is an example of a valid 411 search with the company name, address, and phone number.
When you complete the 411 search, follow the steps below:
Print the 411 search. You can print by pressing the Ctrl + P keys.
Save the printed PDF.
Upload the PDF to Encompass.
Put the PDF in the 411 Employee Search or 411 Printout bucket in the eFolder.
Go to Forms > VOE (or Verifs > VOE) and complete the employer information with the information found in the 411 search.