You can search for loans on the Pipeline using a simple search (entering search criteria in one or more fields above each column), or an advanced search (creating your own search criteria). Both options allow you to save the search criteria for future use.
The filtering criteria you define are displayed above the Pipeline. To clear the filter, click the Clear button.
To perform a simple search:
Using the Loan Folder drop-down list, you can select the loan folders in which you want to search for loans. Selecting a smaller number of folders will decrease the time it takes for the system to complete the search.
To perform an advanced search:
Click the Advanced Search button.
Click the New icon. (The New icon inserts a filter at the bottom of the list of filters. To insert a filter above an existing filter, select a filter, click Insert, and then define the new filter as described below.)
On the Add/Edit Search Filter window, click the Find icon.
On the Select Field window, double-click to select a field from the list. Or enter one or more characters and click Find. The first occurrence of the characters in any column is found.
Select an Operator, enter (or select) a Value, and then click OK.
Repeat steps 1 through 5 to add more filters.
You can use parentheses to control the order in which multiple filters are evaluated. Click Parentheses, select the filters to group, click the New icon, and then click OK.
Click Apply.
Click the Clear button to redisplay the original list of loans.
To switch the qualifier (Joint) between multiple filters, click AND/OR.
To view filters in a statement format, click View Filter.
To edit a filter, click the Edit icon, make required changes, and then click OK.
To delete a selected filter, click the Delete icon, and then click Yes in response to the confirmation message.
After specifying and applying search criteria, you can save a Simple Search or Advanced Search for future use. To save a search:
Click the Save icon.
Select Save as.
Enter the name of the view.
To set this view to be displayed when you log in and view the Pipeline, select Set as my default view.
Click Save.
The view is added to the Pipeline View drop-down list. Select this view at any time to apply the search criteria to your Pipeline.