Navigate to the VA Loan Guaranty website ( and click the “Sign In or Register for New Account” link
Click the Continue button on the pop-up
Click the “Sign in with” box
Click “Accept” on the pop-up window
Sign in to
Complete the text/phone verification
On the left-hand side panel, click on “WebLGY”
Under the “Obtain New VA loan number (LIN)” click “Request Appraisal.” This will both request the Appraisal and assign a VA case number.
Click the radio button labeled “LAPP – Lender Appraisal Processing Loans”
Enter the veteran’s Social Security Number (SSN) and Year of Birth (YOB). If the veteran is deceased, enter the surviving spouse’s SSN and YOB.
Enter your phone number and last name on Line 1B and your email on 1C
In Box 2, enter your phone number again
In Box 3:
Enter the subject property address
For the Legal Description, enter the Assessor’s Parcel Number (typically located on the Property Tax printout).
Select an option for “Sale or Refinance”
In Box 6, fill in your info
In Box 7, select the appropriate option for Status, Building Type and Number of Living Units
Check the “Acceptance of Responsibility” box
Print 1805
VA Agency Case # in Encompass
Once the appraisal is received, the processor should email it directly to the underwriter to review and issue the NOV which must be sent to the borrower
Important notes:
The appraisal CANNOT be sent to the borrower/agents until a VA SAR Underwriter reviews and issues the NOV. The NOV must be sent with the appraisal report.
The funds to pay for the appraisal are collected at escrow/close. After a loan has funded/withdrawn/denied, an email request must be sent to the Accounting Department (along with the Appraisal Invoice and Appraiser’s W9) so the appraiser can get paid.