To generate the Written Verification of Employment form in Encompass, select the Verifs drop-down menu and select VOE
There is also a Show all VOE button that can be found in the 1003 URLA Part 2
If you need to add employment information, you may add employers by pressing the Add Verification button at the top right of the VOE table.
When prompted, select the borrower type and whether the borrower is currently employed at this employer or previously worked for them.
Complete the top portion by selecting which borrower the WVOE is for, enter today’s date and make sure that the “See attached borrower’s authorization” checkbox is checked.
Complete/correct/update the employer’s information. The employer’s name, address and phone number must be completed. The phone number should match the phone number listed on the 3rd party verification tool (e.g., Yellow Pages online).
Check the “Print user’s name’ and “Print user’s job title” checkboxes.
Complete/correct/update the borrower’s “Position/Title”
Select Print icon on the top right. In the pop-up window, the Encompass should already have selected the “Verifications” option in the”Standard Forms” tab. Select the desired VOE (there could be multiple employer records) and click the “Add” button.
Click the “Print” button and save the form to your desktop. Open the form and use the “Place Signature” option in PDF from the Fill & Sign tab to add a signature.
The WVOE is now ready to be sent. Make sure to include a copy of the borrower’s authorization in your request.