The Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System (NMLS) is a centralized online database that's used by mortgage and finance regulatory agencies to maintain state licensing programs. The NMLS includes information on all mortgage loan originators (MLOs) and companies that are licensed to originate mortgages in the United States. The lender uploads an NMLS search to verify that the MLO’s license is authorized to conduct business.
To complete an NMLS License Search, follow the steps below:
Navigate to the NMLS Consumer Access website. (Link here.)
Search the Loan Originator by name.
If prompted, check the box to agree to the Terms and Conditions and complete the captcha, then click Continue.
Select the correct license holder to access their individual page.
In this screen, you can see the number of results found based on the search input.
Each license-holder will appear in a card with their recorded full name, NMLS ID, location, and company of representation.
Confirm that the license-holder is authorized to conduct business in the subject property’s state. And click on name to take you to License holder profile.
Confirm LO info to make sure they are active.
Print the page to PDF (Ctrl + P).
Upload to the Encompass eFolder NMLS Documentation bucket.