Module 3: Daily and Weekly Review
Daily and weekly personal workflow reviews play an important role in organizing tasks and understanding the priorities of clients (and Loan Originators and Branch Managers). They enable you to assign priority to urgent tasks that may arise throughout the day, ensuring timely and efficient execution.
Daily reviews can be conducted at the start or end of the day, or both if time permits.
Initiating a review at the beginning of the day allows for effective time allocation and estimation of the number of tasks that can be accomplished within the available time frame.
An end-of-day review offers a retrospective view of how time was allocated throughout the day. It helps evaluate the hours of productive work, identify areas of improvement, and prioritize the backlog of tasks for the following day. It can even help you get ahead of the tasks for the following day, giving you an idea of what your next day’s tasks will be.
It is advisable to limit the duration of a daily pipeline review to no more than 30 minutes. This ensures that the review remains focused, efficient, and does not consume excessive time that could be allocated to completing tasks.
Daily reviews can sometimes disrupt your workflow and create frequent context switching, however, so make sure to stay focused by keeping a weekly plan or always having visibility of
Weekly pipeline reviews, on the other hand, provide an opportunity to take a step back and analyze tasks and progress over a more extended period. They allow for a strategic perspective, enabling you and your team to make informed decisions based on a comprehensive outlook of the weeks and even months ahead.
Weekly reviews facilitate better planning and prioritization for the upcoming week. By reviewing your tasks, deadlines, and priorities in a consolidated manner, you can assess the overall workload, allocate resources effectively, and make informed decisions about task sequencing. This proactive approach ensures that you start each week with a well-organized plan and a clear focus.
By incorporating both daily and weekly pipeline reviews into your workflow, you can strike a balance between day-to-day task management and long-term planning. The daily reviews help maintain a proactive and agile approach to daily operations, while the weekly reviews foster a more strategic and forward-thinking mindset. This combination ensures efficient task management, effective decision-making, and continuous improvement within your mortgage lending processes.