Note: Make sure you have an application date and a signed Intent to Proceed before assigning a new case
In Encompass, go to the Services tab then Order Additional Services
Select “FHA Connection – Case Number Assignment” and click Submit.
Complete all fields with the appropriate information.
Case Assignment Request = Add
Do not check the “Validate Property Address” or “Validate Borrower” box.
For purchases, the only field you need to update is the Field Office. For refinances, complete the appropriate answers for FHA Streamline Refinance, FHA to FHA Refinance Type, FHA Prior Financing and Field Office.
For most loans, you will enter “703” for the ADP Code and “00” for the Program Identifier. To verify, you can look up the ADP Codes here:
Only change/select an option regarding these if you have a special program like a Condo, HECM, 203K, etc.
For this section, you do not need to update any fields. This info will be updated once the appraisal is received (if applicable).
The Property Address, Property Information and Loan Information data will pull over.
Sponsored Originator Case = Leave unchecked.
You will only check this box if the file is going non-delegated.
I certify that the lender associated… = Check this box to certify.
Click the Send Request button.
Make sure to import a copy of the case assignment to the eFolder BEFORE importing the data. If you select the import data option first it will not give you an option to save a copy to the eFolder.
Navigate to the FHA Management screen and click on the Tracking tab. Make sure your case number is complete along with the appropriate ADP Code suffix (see below). Also, insert the date and your username for the CAIVRS info.
ADP Codes:
703 = Single family dwelling 734 = Condominium
702 = 203 (k) on a SFR
804 = 203(k) on a Condominium