A Verification of Rent (VOR) is a document that is used to verify a borrower's rental history. It is typically requested by mortgage lenders as part of the underwriting process. The VOR is a letter from the borrower's landlord that provides information about the borrower's rental payments, including the amount of rent, the length of tenancy, and any late payments or other issues.
To complete the VOR form in Encompass and print it, navigate to the VOR form in Encompass through Verifs > VOR.
The VOR form can also be accessed through the Forms tab or by going to the Current Address section of the 1003 URLA Part 1.
If there is no housing information in the VOR form, you may add current and previous addresses by pressing the Add Verification button to the top right of the VOR table.
When prompted, select the borrower type and residence type.
Add the date (you can use Ctrl + D to add today’s date) and make sure that the checkbox to print “See attached borrower’s authorization” is checked.
Fill out the residence information and account information sections. If the applicant pays rent at their current residence, make sure to include the monthly payment.
Check the Print user’s name and Print user’s job title checkboxes.
Select Print or press Ctrl + P and on the Print window navigate to Standard Forms – Verifications.
Select the VOR corresponding to the residence to be verified, select Add > and Print to File. Choose a folder to save the printed VOR.
Open the printed VOR form and use the Place Signature option in PDF from the Fill & Sign tab to add a signature to §3.
The VOR is now ready to be sent alongside the borrower’s authorization and to be filled out by the landlord.