Program-Specific: Verification of Rent (VOR)

A verification of rent (VOR) is a document that a mortgage lender uses to verify a borrower's rental payment history. The VOR is typically completed by the borrower's landlord. Lenders use VORs to determine that borrowers have a history of making timely rent payments, and to calculate the borrower’s debt-to-income ratio.

Context: Identifying the document.

  1. Document title: Request for Verification of Rent

Key takeaways: Important information.

  1. Loan number

  2. Property address

  3. Part II – Verification of Rent

    1. Rented dates

    2. Amount of rent

    3. Rent in arrears

    4. Late payments past due 30 days in the last 12 months

    5. Account satisfactory

  4. Part III – Authorized Signature (completed by the landlord)