In Section 1b. Current/Self Employment and Income – Borrower, complete all pertinent employment information.
Information that must be completed includes:
Employer or Business Name
Street Address, City, State, Zip and Phone
Position or Title
How long in this line of work (years and months)
If the borrower is a W-2 employee:
Complete Gross Monthly Income breakdown.
If the borrower is self-employed or 1099:
Check the “Check if you are the Business Owner or Self-Employed” box.
Check the appropriate ownership share option.
Fill out Monthly Income (or Loss).
We need complete income history for the last 2 years. If the borrower has had more than one job in the last 2 years, click the Show all VOE button or go to Verifs > VOE or Forms > VOR to add additional jobs to the employment history.