1003 URLA - Part 3

1003 URLA - Part 3

Complete Section 2: Financial Information – Assets and Liabilities part 2a. Assets – Bank Accounts, Retirement and Other Accounts You Have – Borrower and Co-Borrower

  • The information for each account must be completely filled out.

  • Total Asset Amount should be enough to cover cash to close

  • You can fill out cash or market value for asset accounts with future funds.

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Make sure that liabilities as shown on the credit report were properly imported to Part 2c. Liabilities – Credit Cards, Other Debts and Leases That You Owe – Borrower and Co-Borrower. If they weren’t, make sure that the credit report was ordered and click the Import Liabilities button to automatically fill the information out.

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Complete Section 3: Financial Information – Real Estate with all the information on real estate owned by the borrowers, if any. If the borrowers don’t own any real estate, check the I do not own any real estate box. If there are mortgage loans on any of the properties, click the Link Liabilities button and select the mortgage corresponding to that property.

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