Arrive Home Web Portal Guide


Introduction to CS Portal

CS portal is the main software platform for Arrive Home mortgage lenders. It serves as a central hub where all the transactions are registered and manages the entire loan lifecycle.

Accessing the CS Portal

Before you start, you will receive an email in your Arrive Home inbox when your account is activated.

To access the CS portal website, go to

You can log in by using your email and password and then clicking on the Sign In button.

If you have forgotten your password, click the “Forget your password?” link to open the password recovery page.

You need to write your email and click reset your password; an email will be sent with the instructions.

The main page is the first page you will see when you access the CS portal. From this page, you can navigate all the types of loan registrations and important information.

You can filter the loan types by clicking on EEP on the main page.

The CS portal will filter the information providing only EEP loan transactions.

On the top of the page, you can look for specific loans by name, loan number, or address of the property.

Once the information is entered you will be able to click on the search button.

The system will automatically filter the loan information, which you can access by clicking the name registered on the loan.

This will automatically take you to the loan information where you will be able to check the details of the registration.

Down the page is the Loan Convlog, this is where you can leave or review updated notes for the transaction.

The next part will show general information regarding the loan.

At the end of the page, will be all the documents that have been uploaded for the transaction. To be able to open the document you need to click on the name of the document.

To upload documents on the loan you need to go to the top of the page and click on uploads.

It will take you to the page with the different buckets where you can click choose files.

You just need to select the document that you would like to upload click on open and will be uploaded to the CS portal.

If a document needs to be deleted, you just need to click on the trash can that is next to the document uploaded.

The system will confirm if you are sure that you want to delete the document you click accept it will be automatically removed from the bucket.

You can update the status of the loan by clicking on the change status tap at the top of the page.

It will open a change loan status pop up and you can click on the status bar to verify the options.

Once the correct status is selected this will update the milestone of the loan on the portal. The government, and tenant flow will appear. You select the correct option according to the flow of the transaction.

To log out of the CS portal you just need to click on the three lines next to the search bar and click on the Sign-out option.

And the portal will automatically close your session.

Last updated